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5 Things You Should Know About Health Savings Account Plans Must Read

Info informasi 5 Things You Should Know About Health Savings Account Plans Must Read atau artikel tentang 5 Things You Should Know About Health Savings Account Plans Must Read ini semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan menambah wawasan. Selamat Membaca! Jangan lupa dishare juga! Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat juga untuk orang lain.
Things You Should Know About Health Savings Account Plans Must Read: A health savings account plan offers lower premiums and lower taxes for many individuals.  Before switching to an HSA plan, however, one would be well advised to seek the counsel of an experienced benefits specialist who is familiar with insurance companies offering high deductible policies that qualify for HSA account participation.

 In some situations, the lower costs anticipated may not be realized, or may not be worth trade-offs necessary to achieve those savings.

1. An HSA plan can cut healthcare costs by an average of 40% for many people.
Nevertheless, some people will not realize any net savings. Those most likely to realize significant savings are people who pay all of their own health insurance premiums, such as the self-employed, who are relatively healthy with few medical expenses. 

2. You must have a properly qualified high health insurance policy in place first before
you can open a health savings account. One of the biggest misconceptions about HSA plans is that any insurance policy with a high deductible will qualify the policyholder to establish an HSA account. IRS regulations, however, are quite specific.  Not just any policy with a so-called "high deductible" will suffice.  It is important to be certain that you are insured under a properly qualified policy.  Your best bet is to work with a qualified and duly licensed health insurance broker who is experienced in marketing properly qualified HSA plans.

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3. Although HSA insurance premiums are low, they are not always as low as you might expect.
This happens for one main reason. Simply stated, the underlying insurance policy is just that�a health insurance policy.  Although it has a "high" deductible, as required by law, the insurance company still must compensate for the risk it is assuming over the deductible amount, which it does by charging premiums.  Many companies offer policies with �one deductible� that all family members contribute toward.  With those plans, it is not uncommon for premiums for a 5000 family deductible with 100% coverage after the deductible to be comparable to a 2500 "per person" deductible plan with 80/20 coverage after the deductible.
Lower premiums represent just one element of the lower net cost achieved with an HSA plan.  The low net cost of an HSA plan is achieved after factoring in the benefits of lower taxes, made possible by the tax-deductible contribution to the HSA account. Thus, if obtaining the lowest possible gross premium is your main concern, you may wish to consider a high deductible, non-HSA policy, especially if you do not see the benefit to contributing to a tax-deductible savings account.

4. You must be insurable in order to qualify for the HSA-qualified health insurance policy.
Because most people do not have a properly qualified high deductible insurance policy, they will need to switch insurance plans in order to become HSA-eligible. Unless coverage is being offered under small group reform laws (generally groups with 2-49 employees), the new high deductible policy will be individually underwritten by an insurance company.  This means that some "pre-existing" conditions may not be fully covered.  Alternatively, some companies may opt to cover certain "pre-existing" conditions in exchange for slightly higher premiums. Unfortunately, some health conditions simply render an individual uninsurable (examples: diabetes, chron's disease, heart attack, etc.).  Underwriting requirements vary by state, which is another reason to rely on an experienced health plan broker.
You should not switch to a HSA plan when the management of existing medical expenses is more important than saving up-front medical insurance premiums. Do not change health plans: in the middle of ongoing medical treatments; after a major health issue has been diagnosed; or if any family member is pregnant.
Generally, it is relatively hassle-free to qualify, i.e. no medical exams, etc. Most insurance companies offering HSA coverage will issue based on your application answers, perhaps accompanied by a follow-up telephone interview. In some cases, medical records may be requested, and companies always reserve the right to order a paramed exam. 

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5. An HSA offers your best chance to keep a lid on health insurance rate increases.
Make no mistake-you will have rate increases with your HSA insurance policy. Because an HSA qualified policy is still a health insurance policy at heart, there is no logical reason to presuppose that an HSA policy would be immune to rate increases required by an insurer to keep paying claims and stay in business. But what you can expect is that the actual dollar amount of any future rate increases will be substantially lower compared to traditional health insurance plans (regular PPO and HMO plans).  This is true because insurers base increases on percentages, and the same percentage of a lower base premium results in a lower dollar increase. It's not a perfect solution-but it is the most cost-efficient solution for many qualified people.

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